نبذة عن عضو هيئة التدريس
عضو هيئة تدريس بكلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات بقسم علوم الحاسبات بجامعه الاميرة تورة بنت عبد الرحمن
المناصب الحالية
رئيس لجنه تطوير الموقع الالكتروني لكلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
رئيس لجنه الاختبارات بقسم علوم الحاسبات بكلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
رئيس لجنه الاسسمنت بقسم علوم الحاسبات بكلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
عضو لجنه المشاريع بقسم علوم الحاسبات بكلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
عضو لجنه برنامج علوم الذكاء الاصطناعي بكلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر |
الشعبة |
اسم المقرر |
من الساعة |
إلى الساعة |
21224 |
مشروع التخرج (2) |
10:00 |
11:40 |
وصف المقرر
21140 |
مشروع التخرج (2) |
08:00 |
09:40 |
وصف المقرر
21140 |
مشروع التخرج (2) |
10:00 |
11:40 |
وصف المقرر
21224 |
مشروع التخرج (2) |
08:00 |
09:40 |
وصف المقرر
جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر |
الشعبة |
اسم المقرر |
من الساعة |
إلى الساعة |
24407 |
عمارة الحاسب |
11:00 |
11:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.
24454 |
اللغات المنضبطة والنظرية الآلي |
15:00 |
16:40 |
وصف المقرر
This course gives a comprehensive introduction to automata theory and theory of computation. The focus of this course is on how to construct, use, design and analyze Finite Automata (FA), Context-Free Grammars (CFG), Context-Free Languages (CFL), and “single and multiple” Turing Machines (TM). Furthermore, this course will teach students how to construct and use regular expressions and different finite automata. It illustrates the proofs of several theorems in automata theory and describes decidability and un-decidability in theory of computation. In addition, it explains the way to classify problems according to their time and space complexity, or “complexity of decision problems”. It is intended to give students a broad overview of the entire Formal Languages and Automata Theory field by covering most aspects of it.
24407 |
عمارة الحاسب |
10:00 |
10:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.
جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر |
الشعبة |
اسم المقرر |
من الساعة |
إلى الساعة |
24605 |
اللغات المنضبطة والنظرية الآلي |
15:00 |
16:40 |
وصف المقرر
This course gives a comprehensive introduction to automata theory and theory of computation. The focus of this course is on how to construct, use, design and analyze Finite Automata (FA), Context-Free Grammars (CFG), Context-Free Languages (CFL), and “single and multiple” Turing Machines (TM). Furthermore, this course will teach students how to construct and use regular expressions and different finite automata. It illustrates the proofs of several theorems in automata theory and describes decidability and un-decidability in theory of computation. In addition, it explains the way to classify problems according to their time and space complexity, or “complexity of decision problems”. It is intended to give students a broad overview of the entire Formal Languages and Automata Theory field by covering most aspects of it.
24344 |
عمارة الحاسب |
10:00 |
11:40 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.
24147 |
عمارة الحاسب |
08:00 |
09:40 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.
جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر |
الشعبة |
اسم المقرر |
من الساعة |
إلى الساعة |
24454 |
اللغات المنضبطة والنظرية الآلي |
16:00 |
16:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course gives a comprehensive introduction to automata theory and theory of computation. The focus of this course is on how to construct, use, design and analyze Finite Automata (FA), Context-Free Grammars (CFG), Context-Free Languages (CFL), and “single and multiple” Turing Machines (TM). Furthermore, this course will teach students how to construct and use regular expressions and different finite automata. It illustrates the proofs of several theorems in automata theory and describes decidability and un-decidability in theory of computation. In addition, it explains the way to classify problems according to their time and space complexity, or “complexity of decision problems”. It is intended to give students a broad overview of the entire Formal Languages and Automata Theory field by covering most aspects of it.
24454 |
اللغات المنضبطة والنظرية الآلي |
15:00 |
15:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course gives a comprehensive introduction to automata theory and theory of computation. The focus of this course is on how to construct, use, design and analyze Finite Automata (FA), Context-Free Grammars (CFG), Context-Free Languages (CFL), and “single and multiple” Turing Machines (TM). Furthermore, this course will teach students how to construct and use regular expressions and different finite automata. It illustrates the proofs of several theorems in automata theory and describes decidability and un-decidability in theory of computation. In addition, it explains the way to classify problems according to their time and space complexity, or “complexity of decision problems”. It is intended to give students a broad overview of the entire Formal Languages and Automata Theory field by covering most aspects of it.
24407 |
عمارة الحاسب |
10:00 |
11:40 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.
جدول المقررات
رمز المقرر |
الشعبة |
اسم المقرر |
من الساعة |
إلى الساعة |
24605 |
اللغات المنضبطة والنظرية الآلي |
15:00 |
15:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course gives a comprehensive introduction to automata theory and theory of computation. The focus of this course is on how to construct, use, design and analyze Finite Automata (FA), Context-Free Grammars (CFG), Context-Free Languages (CFL), and “single and multiple” Turing Machines (TM). Furthermore, this course will teach students how to construct and use regular expressions and different finite automata. It illustrates the proofs of several theorems in automata theory and describes decidability and un-decidability in theory of computation. In addition, it explains the way to classify problems according to their time and space complexity, or “complexity of decision problems”. It is intended to give students a broad overview of the entire Formal Languages and Automata Theory field by covering most aspects of it.
24605 |
اللغات المنضبطة والنظرية الآلي |
16:00 |
16:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course gives a comprehensive introduction to automata theory and theory of computation. The focus of this course is on how to construct, use, design and analyze Finite Automata (FA), Context-Free Grammars (CFG), Context-Free Languages (CFL), and “single and multiple” Turing Machines (TM). Furthermore, this course will teach students how to construct and use regular expressions and different finite automata. It illustrates the proofs of several theorems in automata theory and describes decidability and un-decidability in theory of computation. In addition, it explains the way to classify problems according to their time and space complexity, or “complexity of decision problems”. It is intended to give students a broad overview of the entire Formal Languages and Automata Theory field by covering most aspects of it.
24147 |
عمارة الحاسب |
08:00 |
08:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.
24344 |
عمارة الحاسب |
11:00 |
11:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.
24344 |
عمارة الحاسب |
10:00 |
10:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.
24147 |
عمارة الحاسب |
09:00 |
09:50 |
وصف المقرر
This course aims to provide the key concepts that are likely to be included in the design of the modern computer architecture. This course covers the concepts (intermediate level) of the following components of a computer: Instruction Set Architecture, register transfer language, processor and system performance, Instruction pipelining and instruction-level parallelism, overview of superscalar architectures, and Storage systems and their technology “overview, cache and external memory.”
This course demonstrates the basic metrics by which new and existing computer systems may be evaluated to understand and evaluate the impact of the peripherals, their interconnection, and underlying data operations on the design of computer systems. The students will demonstrate the techniques needed for computer design, examine different computer implementation styles and assess their strengths and weakness. The students learn the technique by which an instruction is executed and the process of basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining. In addition, this course explains the effect of memory latency and describes the use of memory hierarchy to reduce effective memory latency.